I have always been reluctant to call myself an artist. I believe each of us is a gateway for something. I am simply the gateway…for this.
I show up in our studio, light some incense and candles, breathe some magic words, and then… I disappear. Sometimes, it’s as though I am a passenger in my own body, watching color, shape, shadow, fire and electricity coalesce into creation. Sometimes, it’s much darker: I disappear completely.
In the beginning, there were three of us—Shadow the Raven, Flame the Phoenix, and me. Recently, a fourth has joined us: the Thunderbird, Atlas.
Heartifact: Up
Aspect of the Phoenix
Handmade Papers, Feathers, Altar Ash, and Acrylic on Canvas
30" x 40"
In the Dreaming, we have a saying: What goes up must go up.” It may come down eventually, but for now, it is among the treetops, or the sky, or the stars. And it is what it is.
This is what makes it—whatever it is—precious: That it is there, and it is there for you, whoever you are, whatever you are, wherever you are. Not that the tree, the star, or the sky may fall tomorrow and everything we ever were will be obliterated.
Love for what it is today. Love for who you are now.
Heartifact: Afflatus
Aspects of Phoenix and Thunderbird
Dried Flowers, Sheet Music, Feathers, Handmade Papers, Angelic Bracelet, Textured Foam, Glass Beads, Remains of a Vow, Consecrated Ash, and Acrylic on Wood Panel
36" x 24"
The heads on the screens and behind the podiums keep telling us how different we are. Some claim to speak for gods, others for simple nature. The truth is: We’re more alike than we think.
The hurt that lives in you is the same hurt that leaves in me. These wounds are not gifts, but within them lives one. It is among the treasures the God of Infinite Names places within each of us for us to seek out and discover.
Within out wounded hearts lives the gates of afflatus thrown open.